Tactical Urbanism

The Dynamic Potential of Urbanism Without Effort

Chuck Wolfe summarizes a major tenet of his new book and suggests we risk ignoring the back story of urban forms and functions by failing to truly understand the traditional relationships between people and place.

May 5, 2013 - The Atlantic Cities

Can a Fake Plan Lead to Real Results in Raleigh?

Matt Tomasulo's proposal for an urban beach on the site of a vacant lot in Raleigh has gained a following, and sparked a conversation over the future of the site, demonstrating the power of an attractive idea, a compelling rendering and the Internet.

April 30, 2013 - The Architect's Newspaper Blog

Bogota Plans Mass Tactical Urbanism Offensive

This weekend, Bogota, Colombia will launch its second 100en1día (100 in 1 day) event, a blitz of urban interventions meant to multiply the impact of citywide citizen activism exponentially. Cities across the world are following their lead.

April 26, 2013 - This Big City

Embracing Placemaking's Freak Factor

Realizing that overly controlled environments rarely breed the kind of innovation and culture that make cities great, Scott Doyon gets down with the funky and unpredictable.

April 3, 2013 - PlaceShakers

Placemaking vs. Placeshaking: Planning & Politics

Are you a Place-Maker or a Place-Shaker? Check out Scott Doyon's post for a look at where to draw the line. Spoiler alert: It's all about the politics.

February 26, 2013 - PlaceShakers

Duany Details the "New, New Urbanism"

At the CNU-FL statewide meeting held last week, Andrés Duany articulated his vision for how planning must adapt to the new realities of "national impoverishment" and climate change by utilizing the tools of tactical urbanism, writes Erin Chantry.

January 28, 2013 - Helm of the Public Realm

Placemaking Wishes for 2013

Like a lot of people, Placeshakers is kicking off the new year with a list: placemaking wishes for 2013. Read on for seven trending ideas they hope break large.

January 4, 2013 - PlaceShakers

Tactical Urbanism: A Look Back at 2012

From guerrilla wayfinding to future-tising, these are my top five, perhaps lesser known, highlights of a banner year for Tactical Urbanism.

December 30, 2012 - Mike Lydon

What History Can Teach Us About Today's Urban Challenges

Historian Daniel London argues that by "excavating a 'usable past'" urbanists can find relevant, cutting edge ideas for solving the seemingly unprecedented challenges of global urbanization.

October 16, 2012 - The Global Urbanist

Can Strategic Urbanism Heal Broken City Governance?

Alex Steffen, a "leading voice in planetary futurism," muses on what he believes could be a way to move beyond NIMBYism and incremental urban planning, to provide an antidote to fundamentally broken city governance.

October 2, 2012 - Planetary Thinking

Annual PARK(ing) Day Lessons (Re)Learned

Last Friday was annual PARK(ing) Day, and for Howard Blackson, who participated in a pilot park(let) project in San Diego, the reasons to enable context appropriate civic space was underscored again.

September 25, 2012 - PlaceShakers

Democratic Design Arrives at Venice Biennale

One of the highlights of the global architectural calendar, the Biennale is a place to share and discuss the big ideas impacting the field. For this year's U.S. Pavilion, curators are going small by showcasing 124 projects by self-empowered citizens.

August 24, 2012 - Art Info

Transformation of Toronto's Main Drag Gives City Reason to Celebrate

The wild success of a "pop-up urban intervention” transforming Toronto's Yonge Street has Christopher Hume and the city's residents excited about the ability of small moves to have a big impact.

August 21, 2012 - Toronto Star

Sisters Spark Tactical Urbanism in Philadelphia

Young activists Emaleigh and Ainé Doley take matters into their own hands to clean up their neighborhood street in run-down Germantown.

June 29, 2012 - The Philadelphia Inquirer

The Hands-On Urbanism Movement

Mike Lydon discusses "tactical urbanism," a DIY approach to planning that is sweeping the nation, and explains how communities are making lasting impacts at the grassroots level.

June 23, 2012 - The Architect's Newspaper

Is Smaller and Cheaper the Smarter Way to Start a Makeover?

In his "Dream City" column, Will Doig looks at the attributes making tactical urbanism the hot revitalization trend for municipal authorities across the country.

June 18, 2012 - Salon.com

Chicago Works to Add People to its Places

On Wednesday, Mayor Rahm Emanuel kicked-off Chicago's “Make Way for People” program, an effort to "promote economic development and make Chicago streets safer for pedestrians," by transforming the city's paved surfaces into people places.

June 7, 2012 - Chicago Sun-Times

Little Libraries Are Having a Big Impact

Public libraries across America are threatened by reduced staffing, resources, and hours due to budget cuts. However, "little libraries" are popping up in communities across the country as urbanists seek to redefine public space and librarianship.

June 2, 2012 - Places

Message and Media: Connecting in a Noisy World

Scott Doyon argues that getting the next generation of collaborators involved in community improvement efforts will require more than simply using the tools of social media - it will require connecting with what people are passionate about.

May 18, 2012 - PlaceShakers

When Will the Pop-Up Bubble Burst?

Kelly Chan explores how temporary architecture is changing our relationship to the built environment, and asks "how permanent is our current fascination for the temporary?"

May 12, 2012 - Art Info

Urban Design for Planners 1: Software Tools

This six-course series explores essential urban design concepts using open source software and equips planners with the tools they need to participate fully in the urban design process.

Planning for Universal Design

Learn the tools for implementing Universal Design in planning regulations.

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100 Most Influential Urbanists

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Urban Planning Creators You Should Know

A short list of voices on social, video, and podcasting platforms.