Gas Tax

The Future of National Surface Transportation Policy

That was the title the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation chose for a hearing on April 28. Panelists: Ray LaHood, DOT Secretary; Steve Heminger, MTC; Jame Corless, T4America; Ann Canby, STPP, and Ned Holmes, TX Transp. Comm.

May 4, 2009 - Streetsblog

Obama Rejects Gas Tax, VMT Fee

Ray LaHood rejected raising the gas tax, then President Obama rejected a vehicle-miles-traveled fee. What's left is "out-of-the-box" ideas like tolling and public-private-partnerships.

March 11, 2009 - The Wall Street Journal

Don't Fear the VMT Fee

The Christian Science Monitor editorializes in support of the VMT fee replacing the gas tax just as the latest federal transportation financing commission report recommends, as Oregon Governor Kulongoski hopes to do, and as some will do in Europe.

March 4, 2009 - The Christian Science Monitor

Raise The Gas Tax AND Switch To VMT Fee, Says Commission

The National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission advises Congress that the U.S. is in an infrastructure crisis, and that they must raise the gas excise tax by ten cents now and begin the switch to a VMT fee.

March 2, 2009 - The New York Times: Energy & Environment

No Plans For Federal VMT Tax Switch

Amid talk by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood of converting the gas tax into a vehicle miles traveled tax, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stated that the plan "will not be the policy of the Obama administration."

February 22, 2009 - Newsday

EPA's Emissions Waiver Not Enough

This editorial lauds the new president for acting hastily on granting the waiver to allow CA and 13 states to require higher mileage vehicles, but warns it must not be an end in itself. A higher gas tax, it notes, will do more to reduce emissions.

February 5, 2009 - Los Angeles Times

NYT Pushes Hybrid Credits and Auto Scrapping

This editorial suggests three strategies to make the American auto fleet more efficient: renewing the hybrid tax credit program (many credits have been exhausted), pursuing a "cash for clunkers program", and increasing the gas tax to supplement CAFE.

January 22, 2009 - The New York Times

A Second Federal Commission Pushes Fuel Tax Hike

Exactly a year after the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission released its report calling for a fuel tax hike, the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission calls for much of the same.

January 5, 2009 - Takepart

Oregon To Introduce VMT Fee Legislation

Oregon was the first state to study replacing state gas taxes with a Vehicle Miles Traveled fee in 2007. Now Gov. Kulongoski is taking the next step - introducing legislation to replace the 24-cent gas tax with a VMT fee that applies GPS technology.

January 5, 2009 - Corvallis Gazette Times

SUVs And Light Trucks Make Comeback

Cheap gas, great deals, and winter weather resulted in SUV and light trucks resuming their dominance in vehicle sales in December, climbing to 51% of all sales, as Prius sales dipped 48% in November.

January 2, 2009 -

Funding Sources Need Revision to Enable Obama's Highway Plans

President-elect Barack Obama's plans to update the nation's highway system will be limited by funding. Congressional transportation officials are calling for an update of the gas tax, among other changes.

December 30, 2008 - NPR

Raise the Gas Tax, Reduce the Payroll Tax

Time's Michael Kinsley explains why now is the perfect time to introduce a revenue-neutral gas tax, with the revenue used to lower the payroll.

December 18, 2008 - Time

$1/Gallon Gas Consumption Tax Proposal

In this Mercury News Op-Ed, San Jose State University Professor Larry Gerston proposes this bold tax for mass transit and alternative energy programs. It yields $175 billion annually and creates green jobs, enabling us to determine our destiny.

December 10, 2008 - Mercury News

Save Detroit - Raise The Gas Tax

Fortune Magazine's Martin Sloan is interviewed on Marketplace on why he thinks it would be good for Detroit, and America, to have a higher gas tax. At the same time, he has advice to Congress as to what they should do with fuel-efficiency standards.

November 25, 2008 - Marketplace Morning Report

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