Yellow pedestrian caution sign next to a zebra crosswalk.

FHWA Proposes Changes to Highway Safety Requirements

The proposed rule change would require states to include vulnerable road users in their road safety plans.

March 7, 2024 - Smart Cities Dive

Close-up of back of three cars in a line with smoke coming from tailpipes

Republican States Challenge Highway Emissions Plan

A federal proposal that would require states to monitor and set targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions, praised by Democrats, is being called “unworkable” by many Republican states.

October 24, 2022 - Route Fifty

Highway Construction

Top Republicans Encourage Governors to Ignore FHWA Guidance

Senators McConnell and Capito reject the administration's efforts to steer federal funds to infrastructure projects that prioritize road maintenance and transit and pedestrian improvements over new road construction.

February 10, 2022 - Route Fifty


NACTO Suggests Changes to MUTCD

The association's proposed changes to the manual include a focus on eliminating road deaths, improving pedestrian safety, and creating a more inclusive public process.

May 21, 2021 - NACTO

2015 Sets New Record for Vehicle Miles Traveled

2007 had set the prior record, which sparked the term, "peak miles driven" or "peak car." Historically low gas prices and an improved economy have fueled more driving, resulting in a record of 3.148 trillion miles driven last year.

March 2, 2016 - Federal Highway Administration

First There Were Electric Vehicles—Will Electric Roads Be Next?

Two Texas universities received a federal grant to embed sensors in road asphalt to create renewable electricity from the wind created by passing vehicles to power roadside lights and traffic signals.

December 16, 2015 - Energy Harvesting Journal

Gas Station SUVs

Vehicle Miles Traveled Hits Record; Fuel Efficiency Decreasing Too

New figures from the Federal Highway Administration show no abatement in increasing vehicle miles traveled (VMT). While low oil prices have been beneficial for the environment on the production end, it is wreaking havoc on the consumption side.

November 8, 2015 - AASHTO Journal

Drivers Enjoy Lowest Gas Prices in 11 Years on Labor Day Weekend

Not since 2004 have gas prices been this low, an outcome of a glut of oil on the market from producers amidst a slowdown of demand from China. No surprise that driving is at all-time hime. Prices are expected to drop below $2 per gallon by Christmas.

September 8, 2015 - USA Today

The Case For and Against Red Light Cameras

Eric Jaffe of CityLab looks at what went wrong with what should have been a clear way to employ technology to reduce crashes and save lives, and what can be done to stem the tide of cities removing red light cameras.

August 18, 2015 - CityLab

Latest FHWA Data Shows Vehicle Miles Traveled Continue to Increase

Those who thought peak VMT was in the rear view mirror will be disappointed in new data from the Federal Highway Administration.

June 29, 2015 - AASHTO Journal

Record Memorial Day Travel Due to Low Gas Prices, Improved Economy

In addition to record travel this Memorial Day, the U.S. DOT reports that March broke the record for the most vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Gas prices, though rising since late March, are predicted to drop and remain low through the end of 2015.

May 26, 2015 - The New York Times - Energy & Environment

Pop Quiz: What State Has Highest Percentage of Deficient Bridges?

Hint: It's also the smallest by area. And the next two on the "first is worst" list are in the Northeast as well. According to 2014 FHWA data, over 50 percent of this state's bridges are considered deficient, either structurally or functionally.

May 24, 2015 - GoLocalProv

Revised Data Shows Vehicle Miles Traveled Increased in 2013

Peak VMT reportedly occurred in 2007, but that may not stand long according to updated DOT estimates of 2013 travel. According to the data, Americans drove nearly three trillion miles. Another finding is the large increase in number of vehicles.

March 1, 2015 - U.S. DOT: Office of Public Affairs

Highway Trust Fund Insolvency 201: Impact on States

Ryan Holeywell writes a follow-up to the meeting of a House Transportation subcommittee on the impending insolvency of the Highway Trust Fund - looking at it from the states' perspective rather than from Capitol Hill's. They have a lot at stake.

July 31, 2013 - Governing

In Key Ruling, Court Orders Study of Highway Expansion's Effect on Sprawl

A federal court has ruled that a proposed highway expansion said to be the largest single transportation project in Wisconsin history must consider regional impacts (on sprawl and transit-dependent populations) in its environmental analysis.

June 6, 2013 - NRDC Switchboard

Driving Continues to Decline in U.S.

Federal data released last week shows that for the eighth straight year, per capita vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) has declined in the United States.

February 28, 2013 - State Smart Transportation Initiative

Federal Bike/Ped Pilot Project a Success

Included in the 2005 federal transportation bill was $100 million for four regions to invest in bike and pedestrian infrastructure to determine, essentially, if they build it, will they bike and ride more and drive less. The final results are in.

May 3, 2012 - Fast Lane (DOT blog)

$417 Million To Fund Highway Projects

Last week, the Federal Highway Administration awarded discretionary highway grants in what could be among the last expenditures before the Sept. 30 expiration of the gas tax. Included were $8m for Value Pricing Pilot Program projects in 5 states.

August 22, 2011 - FHWA Press Release

Road Diet Crash Reduction Variations Studied By DOT

This 4-page summary report (PDF) is a summary of a technical paper attempting to show differences in the reduction in road crashes that result from road diets.

July 12, 2010 - The Highway Safety Information System (U.S. DOT-FHWA)

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This six-course series explores essential urban design concepts using open source software and equips planners with the tools they need to participate fully in the urban design process.

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