Ma'ayan Dembo is an excellent writer with an eye for transportation, affordable housing, technology, and building community. She brings her experience contributing and managing a student-run blog and community radio station, and volunteering at the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition to Planetizen. She is a recent graduate of Stanford University's Program on Urban Studies, with a focus in Urban Society and Social Change. Ma'ayan enjoys biking, hiking, and listening to music.
How to Solve the Pension Challenge
Diana Lind of Next City poses five ways big cities can alleviate some of their pension funding problems.

BRT Planned for the Silicon Valley
A region dominated by automobile-friendly infrastructure has released a Draft EIR for a bus rapid transit project connecting central San Jose to Palo Alto via El Camino Real.
2050: Year of the Minority Majority
Tanvi Misra discusses with William Frey of the Brooking Institution the repercussions of the demographic flip expected to occur by 2050.
Late Night Bus Stop Request Program for Women Launches in Brasilia, Brazil
The new safety law allows women to request a stop at any location along a bus route after 10 pm, in an effort to increase women's safety in transit.
A Census for City Streets
Eric Scharnhorst, project manager at Gehl Architects, argues for a wide-scale census instrument detailing city life, not just pedestrian counts and fatalities.