Contributed 45 posts
Distinguishing The Work Of A Good Architect
A slideshow on Slate.com examines the work of famous architects using staircase design as a case study.
William Garnett's Poetic Vision With Aerial Photography
William A. Garnett, a pioneer of aerial photographs that revealed unusual land patterns died at the age of 86.
Mid-Decade Census Numbers Fuel Confusion And Doubt
California cities are getting a look at the results of the U. S. Census Bureau's first American Community Survey of medium-sized cities; some officials grouse at the 'funny numbers'--they just don’t add up.
Critics Concerned As Cities Cash-In On Red-light Cameras
Critics cite many concerns--privacy, safety, accuracy, fairness--but cameras are gaining ground and cities are cashing-in on the hefty fines paid by offenders.
East African Capital City Proposes Master Plan Project
Kenya's land surveyors, town and physical planners, engineers, and architects will target Nairobi's blighted areas and try to prevent future unplanned developments.