George Haugh
Contributed 205 posts
How Accurate Are California's HSR Ridership Figures?
When she read over the ridership estimates behind California's HSR plans, Elizabeth Alexis was expecting to have "obscure arguments over the standard deviations," but instead found glaringly obvious "math" mistakes.
The New Urban Employment Landscape
Richard Florida believes "a new way of working and a new kind of workplace have evolved. Increasingly, places are supplanting plants — corporate headquarters and factories — as the principal social and economic organizing units of our time."
Cities Shrinking to Survive
"More cities in the developed world shrank than grew in the last three decades. More than 40 of those cities were in the United States, according to City Mayors, an urban affairs think tank," writes Gordon Young.
Ten Most Terrifying Airports in The World
The Web Urbanist counts down the ten most hair raising airports. "Flying may be one of the safest methods of travel but it doesn't always look that way."
China Agrees to Finance New Argentinian Metro and Rail Construction
A $10 billion dollar spending spree will improve transit in Cordoba and Buenos Aires, but also between Argentina and neighboring Bolivia. "Funds come from the China Development Bank and will require a 15% match from the Argentinian government."