Ronnique Bishop
Ronnique Bishop is a professional transportation planner. She is certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners.
Contributed 2 posts
Ronnique Bishop is a professional transportation planner. She is certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners. She served in roles that involved transit planning, policy, outreach and engagement, and geographic information systems. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Architectural Studies from Kent State University and a Master of Science degree in City and Regional Planning from Temple University. Follow her as she shares more of her thoughts over at

How to Make Documents More Accessible With Color Contrast
There are many ways planners can be more accessible in their work. This article will briefly touch on color contrast as one of the ways to improve accessibility in planning documents.

A DIY Approach to Developing Creative Arts Districts
Communities in Colorado are using a do-it-yourself process known as “Call Yourself Creative” to establish new neighborhoods that leverage the arts for community and economic development goals.