Tulane University

Master of Sustainable Real Estate Development

Top view of a city and streets with tall buildings in the distance

The Master of Sustainable Real Estate Development (MSRED) degree is an interdisciplinary one-year graduate program that prepares students from diverse backgrounds to become effective and influential participants in the fields of real estate finance, design and development. We equip our graduates with a blended education in business, economics, sustainable design, urbanism, and legal issues. The MSRED degree is practice-oriented and emphasizes opportunities for students to gain experience and build a professional network in innovative for-profit, nonprofit and public settings.

  • Faculty of Industry Professionals: Learn from current practitioners who bring real-world experience and a commitment to teaching. 
  • Experiential Learning: Get direct field experience through structured internships, client-based research projects, and field study trips.
  • Connections with Local and National Organizations: Build a professional network through interaction with industry professionals at the local, state and national levels.
  • Alumni Success: MSRED alumni are making an impact in high-level leadership positions across the industry.

Key Facts

  • Program Length: Full-time (one year) or part-time (two years) 
  • Program Start: End of May 
  • Small Class Size: 15-20 students 
  • Dual Degree Options: MArch/MSRED and MBA/MSRED tracks are available. Learn more on the Dual Degree page.
  • Career Opportunities: Project Manager, Financial Analyst, Development Associate, Consultant, Principal, Owner/Developer


Study Real Estate Development in New Orleans

New Orleans is a vibrant and rapidly growing city, with unique opportunities and persistent challenges related to reinvestment, revitalization and innovative development strategies. In the effort to rebuild an economy and focus on environmental solutions to protect this region, New Orleans and Tulane are at the forefront of the sustainable development movement. As affordable housing and economic development needs are considered, and neighborhoods and businesses are rebuilt, questions emerge constantly regarding density, market growth and economic value in relation to community, the environment and a personal connection to the city. This program addresses these questions while examining successful case studies throughout North America and the world.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Our comprehensive curriculum gives students a deep understanding of fundamental real estate principles.

  • SRED 6100 Intro to Real Estate Finance and Economics
  • SRED 6110 Intro to Sustainable Architecture
  • SRED 6130 Intro to Sustainable Urbanism
  • SRED 6140 Intro to Real Estate Finance Products
  • SRED 6400 Urban Field Study
  • SRED 6210 Legal Issues in Real Estate Development
  • SRED 6220 Sustainable Design & Planning
  • SRED 6230 Real Estate Finance
  • SRED 6720 Case Studies in Sustainable Real Estate Devleopment
  • SRED 6740 Directed Research
  • SRED 6240 Applied Urban Economics

In addition to the core curriculum, students choose from a variety of elective courses to further enhance their understanding of specific real estate topics, including:

  • SRED 6520 Cities, Disasters and Decisions
  • SRED 6525 Comm RE Analysis with ARGUS
  • SRED 6530 Infrastructure Planning and Financing
  • SRED 6540 Building Performance
  • SRED 6550 Community Development Finance
  • SRED 6560 Business of Real Estate
  • SRED 6505 Climate Change & The Built Environment
  • SRED 6933 Zoning and Land Use

Suggested Plan of Study (PDF, TXT)

Fall Internships

As part of MSRED’s practice-based education, students have the opportunity to complete a paid internship with local nonprofits, development companies, or local government partners. For these GIGs (“Graduate Internship, GO!”), selected students work with the partner for approximately 15 hours/week on a specific project: conducting research, participating in meetings and engaging in the real work of development. Each GIG is designed to foster mentoring relationships between the host partner and the MSRED student. These experiences also result in tangible work products and professional relationships that can help jump-start a career in real estate.

Previous GIG hosts:

Directed Research

MSRED students collaborate with a professional partner to complete a directed research project during the spring semester. This research gives students an opportunity to apply and deepen their knowledge, while gaining practical experience and building a professional network. Research partners can be in New Orleans or around the globe. The public presentation of each student’s final work product is attended by industry professionals and is a further chance to demonstrate skills, build confidence and make connections.

Prior research partners include:

Explore past projects and watch presentations.

MSRED Class Profiles

The MSRED program is geographically diverse, with students representing 41 U.S. states and several countries located in both Latin America and Asia. Additionally, MSRED students enter the program with a diverse range of educational backgrounds. Approximately 40 percent of students in the program have an architecture or design degree, and an equal number have a management or business degree. The average age of an entering student is 27, and most have at least 2-3 years of work experience.

Importantly, our graduates go on to succeed in a wide range of jobs throughout the real estate industry. Many alumni currently work with companies and firms such as: 

  • Developers
  • Financial Institutions
  • Investment Banks
  • Consulting Companies
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Property Management Companies
  • Brokers

Although many MSRED graduates are making an impact in the New Orleans region, almost half work outside Louisiana.

MSRED Faculty

Our faculty, who cover the breadth of enterprises necessary in this field, are industry practitioners who bring real-world expertise to the classroom. Many have national reputations and accomplishments in the fields of real estate development, community-based planning, design and urbanism. 

Real Estate Development Faculty


Tuition costs include group travel and lodging for both the summer field study and the fall Urban Land Institute conference. Other general university fees such as the student health fee and an activity fee also apply.

Merit-based scholarships are awarded to prospective students through the standard admissions process. The program also offers a number of paid internships with local industry partners. Additionally, MSRED courses are structured to allow students to work part-time, and a part-time academic option is available for students who wish to work full time while completing the degree requirements.

Learn more about program costs and financial opportunities on the Tuition and Financial Aid page.

John L. Renne, Ph.D., AICP, Henry Shane Professor in Real Estate and Urban Planning Program Director, Real Estate Development
John Huppi, Associate Director of Real Estate Development, Professor of Practice

Tulane University

School of Architecture

Richardson Memorial Hall

6823 St. Charles Ave.

New Orleans, LA 70118


John L. Renne, Ph.D., AICP, Henry Shane Professor in Real Estate and Urban Planning Program Director, Real Estate Development
John Huppi, Associate Director of Real Estate Development, Professor of Practice

Tulane University

School of Architecture

Richardson Memorial Hall

6823 St. Charles Ave.

New Orleans, LA 70118