City of Crystal River Form-Based Land Development Code
City of Crystal River
Thursday September 22, 2022
Location: Crystal River, FL
The City of Crystal River Florida is seeking Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) to establish a new, city-wide, transect-oriented, form-based, Land Development Code. Crystal River is a waterfront city with tremendous potential and excitement surrounding its new riverwalk, town square park, rail trail, and main street restaurants and shops. In addition, the city recently completed a Civic Master Plan to help guide the infusion of new growth that is anticipated. While the city’s population is just over 3000, the population of Citrus County is growing and exceeds 150,000.
A form-based code can be applied across a full range of places, including main street, urban neighborhoods, and even suburban areas. Staff hopes to combine all three, applying the code across the entire city. The new ordinance will promote the tenants of the New Urbanism, replacing the current Land Development Code (LDC) that was adopted in 2005. It will provide a regulatory framework that preserves and enhances existing communities within the city while promoting new places of character that are both time-honored and meaningful.
The code shall draw heavily from information found in three (3) city documents, specifically:
1. The 2011 City of Crystal River Comprehensive Plan (currently being updated)
2. The 2022 City of Crystal River Civic Master Plan (Dover Kohl & Partners, Hall Planning & Engineering)
3. The 2020 Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Form Based Code (staff written)…
The project shall consist of a public design charrette. This event will allow the consultant and staff to convey the intent, structure, and format of the document while garnering feedback on key issues from the community. The City’s allocated budget for the overall project is $150,000.
To be eligible for consideration the City of Crystal River shall receive the applicant’s proposal by 1:00 pm. (EST). on Thursday, September 22, 2022. The applicant shall mail one original document, seven copies, and one digital version to:
Clerk’s Office (c/o Mia Fink, City Clerk); City of Crystal River; 123 NW Highway 19; Crystal River, Florida, 34428
The original submittal shall be signed in ink by a corporate officer, principal, or partner with the authority to bind the submitting company or firm by his or her signature. Submittals shall be limited to forty (40) pages. The page count excludes the cover, introduction (cover letter), table of contents and section dividers. Late submittals will be returned unopened to the consultant. The Planning Director or designee will be the official authority for determining late bids.
A seven (7) person selection committee comprised of four (4) city staff and three (3) community residents shall evaluate all submittals. They shall select the winner, or team that is most qualified to work with the City from a list of relevant criteria on Monday, October 3rd , 2022.
Posted August 18, 2022
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