Master Plan Revision - City of Berlin, NH
City of Berlin Planning Department
City of Berlin Planning Department
City of Berlin, NH
Request for Proposals
The City of Berlin through the Berlin Planning Department, will be accepting proposals through Thursday, September 13, 2007 until 4:30 PM from qualified consultants for professional services with respect to the complete revision to the City of Berlin's 1992 Master Plan and providing assistance pertaining to the Plan to the Berlin Planning Department and Planning Board. All proposals must be addressed to the City Manager's Office, 168 Main Street, Berlin, NH 03570 in an envelope marked "Master Plan Revision Services". Interviews may be conducted in an effort to determine the best proposal for the price quoted as part of the evaluation process at no cost to the City. The City, through its City Manager, reserves the right to reject any or all proposals where it may serve the City's best interest and to request additional information or clarifications from proposers.
The full RFP is available on the City's website or by emailing Pamela Laflamme, City Planner, [email protected]
Related Link: City of Berlin Planning Department
For more information contact:
Pamela Laflamme
City of Berlin Planning Department
168 Main Street
NH 03570
Phone: 603-752-8587
Fax: 603-752-8550
Email: [email protected]
Posted August 20, 2007
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