Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
LA: An "Ideal Transit City"?
Matthew Yglesias reports on how Los Angeles is embracing its natural advantages to become an "ideal transit city," matching its transit investments with improvements to the built environment.
Are Democrats Really the Party of Urban America?
Will Doing wonders why, at the Democratic National Convention last week, the challenges facing cities, and the benefits they bring to the country, were never mentioned.
Friday Funny: When Green Technology Backfires
The humor site Cracked takes a look at what happens when green technology backfires: melting houses, blinded jet pilots and buildings drowning in urine.
Desalinization Plant Needed to Prevent Gaza from Becoming "Unlivable"
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency warns in a new report that the aquifer underlying Gaza is rapidly depleting, and could be beyond repair by 2020, rendering Gaza "unlivable." Hope may lie in massive investments in a desalinization plant.
Tampa - GOP's Vision for America's Cities?
Will Doig believes that the choice of Tampa for the Republican National Convention is no coincidence: sprawling and practically devoid of public spaces or pedestrian facilities, it is a monument to not investing in the future.