Katharine P. Jose
Katharine Jose is a contributing editor at Planetizen. She lives in Texas.
Contributed 116 posts
Katharine Jose has written about politics, infrastructure, environment, development, natural disasters, and more for The New York Observer, Capital New York (now Politico New York), and The New York Times, among other publications. She was an editor for several publications in New York City before she moved to Texas, and has a master's degree in planning from the University of Texas-Austin.

After Harvey, Texas Tries State-Run Disaster Relief, With Mixed Results
The scale of the housing recovery effort means some jobs normally handles by FEMA have fallen to the Texas General Land Office.

Abandoned Olympic Venues Cast Doubt on the Value of Hosting
Though cities hope for an economic boost, these photos show it's far from guaranteed.

The Dismal State of Water Infrastructure in Rural Kentucky
In a region where the utility is on the "brink of financial collapse," residents face outages, boil-water advisories and bills that come with health warnings.

An Artist Campaigns Against Anti-Homeless 'Hostile Design'
Bournemouth native Stuart Semple is intent on "naming and shaming the bodies who fund and install these things."
One Native American Family, Two Housing Crises
In Oakland, California and Torreon, New Mexico, Julian Brave NoiseCat reports that "[f]or Indigenous people, the crisis of the home is intergenerational."