Diana is a writer and urbanist passionate about public space, historical memory, and transportation equity. Prior to joining Planetizen, she started and managed a farmers' market and worked as a transportation planner in the bike share industry. She is Planetizen's editor as of January 2022.

San Diego Considers Cutting Short-Term Rentals by Half
In a bid to address concerns about vacation rentals in residential neighborhoods, the San Diego Planning Commission recommends cutting the number of short-term rentals in the city in half.

Arts-Oriented Land Trusts Preserve Affordable Cultural Spaces
A community land trust in San Francisco is buying up properties with the goal of preserving affordable spaces for arts and culture.

Keeping Senior Drivers Safe Requires Better Public Transit
Using alternate transportation and driving less can help older drivers keep themselves and others safe. But with many living on fixed incomes in car-dependent communities, how realistic is the NHTSA’s recommendation for a "transportation plan"?

Houston's Growth Continues With Massive Developments Planned for 2021
With plenty of space to build and an increasingly diverse economy, Houston continues to attract up-and-coming developments offering jobs, housing, and entertainment for the city's growing population.