Erica Gutiérrez
Contributed 84 posts
A High Line for the Upper East Side?
Matt Chaban reports on the making of “the Upper East Side’s very own High Line." Current proposals seek not only to "re-pedestrianize" Park Avenue, but also to restore some of its turn of the century glory.

High Density Means More Economic Growth and More Happiness, Too
Using new analysis of recent US Census data, Richard Florida demonstrates that “[c]ities and regions where density is more concentrated near their urban cores — appear to gain the biggest economic advantage.” That, and a tad more happiness.
Teaching Architects to Succeed While Serving the Public Interest
The Public Interest Design Institute encourages architects to embrace participatory approaches in design that address complex social needs; demonstrating that it's possible to "make a career as an architect serving those who need the most help."
The Boulevard Makes its Comeback Along Toronto’s Waterfront
“Despite long ago having fallen from favour among North American city planners and traffic engineers, the multi-lane, multi-use, tree-lined avenue will soon return to our fair burg,” writes Christopher Hume.

Pittsburgh Asks Cyclists, Drivers and Pedestrians to Play Nice Together
Looking at public commentary following a spate of recent bicyclist accidents and incidents, Annie Siebert considers some of issues that Pittsburghers face as drivers, cyclists and pedestrians sharing the road.