Contributed 15 posts
Preserving the Weird
<p>In a city known for the slogan "Keep Austin Weird," there rages a battle about historic preservation and gentrification, pitting neighbor against neighbor. Jeffrey Chusid shows us how one city tries to maintain its identity in the face of challenge.</p>
Saving Asia's Past
<p>As Asia ascends, we can learn a lot from how they preserve their past and celebrate the historic urban form.</p>
Anomie of the Artists
Daniel Brooks writes about creative types struggle in our post-industrial cities and how the old paradigm of the "art scene" no longer holds sway.
Changing Tracks: Rail Transit And Planning
Trains have played a large role in shaping America's past, and will have a big impact on her future as rail transit continues to change the way we think about urban growth.
Planning for Good Health
Sacramento's MPO thinks it's time to re-establish the old link between public health and city planning. But is smart growth really healthier? And whose responsibility is it to build healthy cities anyways?