Contributed 15 posts
Making the Desert Bloom, But for How Long?
<p>Mike Sabel takes an in-depth look at the future of Las Vegas, its enormous growth, and what happens when the water runs out.</p>
Toxic Neglect: The Plight Of Poor New Orleans
Covering the cleanup efforts after Hurricane Katrina, Robert Bullard examines why the government neglects the problems of the poor, and in fact, makes them worse.
Should Red-Light Districts Be Saved?
<p>In Baltimore, gentrification seems to be taking its toll on the red-light district known as "the Block."</p>
From Steel Plant To Slot Parlor
<p>Bethlehem, PA pins its hopes on Pennsylvania's new slots laws. Jeff Pooley explores whether this is really the best hope for revitalization of the dying steel town.</p>
Through The FEMA Looking Glass
<p>Doug Giuliano recounts his adventures in the FEMA wonderland after heading to the Gulf Coast to help with hurricane recovery. What started as noble intentions ended mired in the muck of bureaucracy.</p>