Contributed 15 posts
Beyond the Backyard Garden: Urban Agriculture
Thanks to industrialized agriculture, there’s a wide gulf between those who produce food and those who consume it. Too many city-dwellers lack access to nutritious, non-processed foods. Dave Steel thinks that urban agriculture is the key.
The New Milwaukeeans: Making Sense of Population Growth In The Cream City
<p>After forty years in the statistical doldrums, what does Milwaukee make of a sudden, slight increase in population? Local expert and urban enthusiast Dave Steele reports.</p>
Immigrants Face Discrimination, Abusive Fair Housing Policy In Nebraska
<p>In Nebraska, a state experiencing just a moderate level of Hispanic immigration inflow, Attorney General Jon Bruning has drawn the line on who he’ll protect from abusive housing policies and who he won’t. For him, immigrants simply aren’t worth it.</p>
Solving Civic Problems in a Post-Fact Society
<p>How does a rapidly changing news media affect big city planning? Badly, according to this post from <em>Next American City</em>.</p>
Wind Farms Spark NOMB Complaints
<p>As the Not On My Beach crowd speaks out against wind farms, a certain level of hypocrisy emerges and shows the way for NIMBYs everywhere.</p>