Kristopher Fortin
Contributed 99 posts
Rent Program Aims to Help Jews Return to Detroit
A Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit program called CommunityNEXT is raising funds and providing a $250 rent subsidy for those that chose to live in Detroit's downtown of Midtown.
Real Estate Rebound Gaining Ground in Select Cities
Bay City, Michigan, which has seen seven consecutive months of rising home prices, is one of 25 metro areas seeing a rebound in their real estate market despite a slow economic recovery, Morgan Brennan reports for Forbes.
Europe's Architecture Trendsetters
In interviews with key figures at four of the most influential European architecture firms, the constant theme was that architecture philosophy needs to recognize that eco-friendly design is the future of design innovation.
Are Slums "Cohesive, Sustainable" and "Here to Stay?"
Paul Mason takes a tour of Manila's 10-year-old Estero de San Miguel slum to test the theory that slums have upsides and finds that understanding the question's realities is as important as trying to find the answer.
Rahul Mehrotra Talks Indian Urban Planning
Rahul Mehrotra talks to The Hindu about sustainable cities, community participation, and infrastructure. The article also has a review of his most recent book "Architecture in India Since 1990."