Contributed 45 posts
Bigger Incomes, Bigger Homes, Less Satisfaction
Americans are buying bigger homes and on average, to house fewer people. Ironically, their satisfaction in housing choice has eroded somewhat over the last twenty years.
Can A Regional Transportation Authority Solve Tampa's Road Woes?
The proposal to create an eight-county transportation authority has drawn applause, skepticism, and fear.
Zoning Wars: Taking On 'McMansionization'
The demolition of small homes and construction of mansions on the modest-sized lots is prompting a backlash in Southern California cities.
The Cul-de-Sac Backlash
Some communities are limiting or outright banning cul-de-sacs, but residents still value the privacy and security they provide.
Death Toll On U.S. Highways At Near-Record Level
The increased carnage, especially among motorcyclists, may reflect more relaxed traffic laws.