Contributed 45 posts
Chile's President In Transit Hotseat
<p>Last month's implementation of the billion dollar Transantiago plan has caused late arrivals, complaints from frazzled commuters, and lost productivity. Chile’s President responded by sacking the transportation chief and three ministers.</p>
New Zealand Government Pressured For More Affordable Housing
<p>Spurning options that lead to urban sprawl, academics and politicians in New Zealand are urging the government to address the shortages and to make so-called "social housing" more palatable.</p>
Armchair Architects Play Favorites With Buildings
<p>The results are in and tongues are still wagging -- about buildings that Americans both love and hate. The AIA released the winners and losers of its survey to discover America's favorite architecture.</p>
Suburbs Battle Blight Left By Foreclosures
<p>Attempting to ward off a panic in the real estate market, cities in Ohio, Georgia, Illinois, and elsewhere are tapping into their coffers to eradicate foreclosure-related blight.</p>
Talking With The Parking Evangelist: An Interview With Donald Shoup
<p>UCLA Professor and author of <em>The High Cost of Free Parking</em> visits New York City to preach the gospel of sound parking pricing policies.</p>