Shay Kahen
Contributed 67 posts
Is Ed Glaeser an Antiplanner?
In his new book "Triumph of The City," Glaeser gives high regard to high-density urbanism and the city but criticizes planners and historic preservationists for over-regulation in land use planning.
Future Slums May Be Suburbs of Today
An Australian report finds that suburbs in Australia may be on the path to slum status if the country's oil addiction is not resisted.
Cities To Lead The Economic Recovery
Innovation Districts are helping metropolitan areas around the country lead the way toward economic recovery.
Valencia Gets a "Central Park" of its Own
Spain's third largest city has chosen the winning design for a new urban park that is to sit atop nine rail lines, potentially creating the most important redevelopment project the country has seen in many years.
NYC Gets a Slice of Scandinavian Urbanism
A residential development in the Upper West Side aims to bring a taste of Danish urban aesthetic to the Big Apple.