Shay Kahen
Contributed 67 posts
Are The Olympics Truly Beneficial to Cities?
After having a hard time financing their Olympic Village, Vancouver, which was home to the 2010 Winter Olympics, has begun an new campaign to attract residents to the developments.
Green Urbanism Principles
What exactly is Green Urbanism? The Next American City has a detailed explanation of the major principles of Green Urbanism all in a nifty slideshow.
Chinese Urban Planning Faces Major Hurdle
China's city planners are busy figuring out solutions to transportation issues at a time when the rapidly developing country has become the world's largest automobile market.
Underground City Gets Master Plan
The city of Helsinki has developed a master plan for its burgeoning underground city.
Waterfront Development Plan for Queens, NYC Revealed
Phase One of the Hunter's Point South waterfront development is set to begin as Mayor Bloomberg unveils details of the plan.