Shay Kahen
Contributed 67 posts
The End is Near for the Commercial Strip
Several factors are leading to the end of commercial strip development while simultaneously leading to more and more town centers and mixed-use facilities.
Mapping Cities in India
With high development occurring in India, new mapping technologies can greatly help smart growth in the burgeoning country.
Controlling Growth in SunBelt Cities
Cities in California, Florida, Arizona, and Nevada that were "sunburnt" by the economic recession need to smartly manage their future growth.
New Riverfront for Minneapolis
The city of lakes ironically gets a redesigned riverfront, as was unveiled by the city's Park and Recreation Board. Click for more and the video of the winning design.
Rethinking the Essence of Urbanism
An contributor to the Huffington Post writes what he believes is the core of urbanism as a thought and its purpose.