Bill Fulton
Contributed 8 posts

Is California's Housing Situation Turning Around?
Population is stagnant. But housing supply is growing. Is this the beginning of a Great Correction?

Will Supreme Court Case Lead to Lower Impact Fees — or Just More Studies?
Everybody seems to think that the recent case from California could lead to dramatically lower fees — and lower housing costs. But that's not what the court decided.

How California Planning has Changed—and How it Hasn't
In the newest edition of his classic book Guide to California Planning, Bill Fulton says there is still tension between the state's suburban planning system and its urban reality.
Welcome to California: CEQA Does Not Apply To CEQA
You know this could only happen in California: An appellate court has ruled that the California Environmental Quality Act does not apply to ... the California Environmental Quality Act. At least in this case.

Will New Mayor Seize the Opportunity to Build a 'Truly Urban' L.A.?
The new mayor of Los Angeles is young, charismatic, and a champion of urbanism and smart growth. He should start using all these assets immediately to transform Los Angeles into the vibrant, transit-oriented city it can become, says Bill Fulton.