Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts
The Psychology Driving the Great Urban Migration
Nathan Norris explores what planners need to know about the trends driving Generation Y's quest for urban living and America's evolving housing market.
As the Enclosed Mall Era Fades, Learning Lessons, Both Bad and Good
For all the bad press that the traditional enclosed mall receives today from planners, there are certainly retail strategies they excelled at that will be pertinent long into the future, argues Geoff Dyer.
Durable, Custom, and Affordable Homes: This Builder Shows It Can Be Done
Simplify some steps, delete a few details, and you can get an affordable, multi-century house for under $80 a square foot.
Do's and Don'ts for Planning in a Web 2.0 Environment
Is your city looking to engage residents online? The latest generation of tools just might be your savior. Or your demise.
Parenting in the Post-McMansion Era
As oversized homes fall out of fashion, is Junior's private lair disappearing? And is that really so bad?