Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts
Seven Social Capital Building Blocks
In the triple bottom line of profits, planet, and people, it's people that tend to get the shaft. Scott Doyon lays out seven ways to change that.
The Politics of Zoning Reform: Targeting Your Communications
Zoning reform is a political campaign. Coder Susan Henderson talks about audience dynamics, with a special focus on how to communicate with property owners and the developer community.
For Cycling Advocates, One Question Reigns: Got Networks?
As the level of sophistication in cycling infrastructure increases, the value of networks becomes even more apparent.
Annual PARK(ing) Day Lessons (Re)Learned
Last Friday was annual PARK(ing) Day, and for Howard Blackson, who participated in a pilot park(let) project in San Diego, the reasons to enable context appropriate civic space was underscored again.
How Does Placemaking Pay?
Hazel Borys compiles an extraordinary list of studies quantifying the role of livable, walkable places in building equity, city coffers, health, and social capital.