Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts
Framing Placemaking as a Tool for Achieving a Larger Goal
Nathan Norris continues his series on municipal placemaking mistakes. This time: failure to understand the big picture and its order of operations.
Seed Money for Walkability: Who Should Pay?
Who should be required to take the first step in suburban retrofitting? The city, in the form of providing walkable, bikeable streets, or developers, by conforming to pedestrian-oriented building standards?
Constructing a Homebuilding Revolution - Brick by Brick
Is Clay Chapman the Joel Salatin of homebuilding? At $80/SF for a custom, multi-century, structural masonry and timber frame home, he just might be. Scott Doyon enumerates the similarities, and challenges others to get involved.
Picture It: Coding for Character
Get lost in the details when explaining zoning reform? Hazel Borys puts forth a pictorial review that helps.
Aging in 'Connected' Places
Ben Brown argues that design adaptations intended to accommodate America's swelling senior population by "aging in place" will be unable, on their own, to meet the challenge. He looks at one model of support that goes beyond universal design.