Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts

Sparking Creativity in Walkable Places
Happiness and health are generated or depleted by the way our neighbourhoods, towns, cities, and rural landscapes are developed. Creative placemaking adds to walkable urbanism by sealing the deal on physical, mental, and social well-being.
Happy Place of the Olden Days
Scott Bernstein joins in the Happiness Index conversation, starting with references to the Anatomy of Melancholy.
Where's Your Happy Place?
Now can you qualify, quantify, and index it? Hazel Borys would like you to do so, and gives this data review to help you get started.

Is Your City an Innovator or a Follower?
Howard Blackson walks through the planning layers of San Diego for a history lesson as well as a look to the Next Urbanism.
What Can Sandy Learn from Katrina about Housing?
As the Sandy clean-up gets underway, could this be an opportunity for the Eastern Seaboard to apply some of the rebuilding lessons learned along the Gulf Coast after Katrina? Ben Brown shares some pointers.