Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts
Traditional Cities and Towns: Incubators of Incompetent Children
With tongue firmly in cheek, Scott Doyon asks urban dwellers, "Are your enviable surroundings crippling the children?"
Do You Walmart?
Saying "no" to Walmart does not remove the wants and needs they exist to serve. If you want a more locally-oriented community, you need a more local-friendly system, says Scott Doyon.
Don't Jump on that Trend Just Yet
Howard Blackson's "Next Urbanism Lab" series looks at recent trends and lessons learned for urban designers. While the Bilbao Effect, the Vancouver Model, the High Line, and Active Living may provide seductive role models, local insight is key.
Emulation is More than Flattery
We all have our role models in life. Never are they more pivotal than in the visioning required for placemaking. Failing to have patterns that perform economically, socially, and environmentally is a critical mistake says Nathan Morris.
The Steps to Creating a Meaningful Vision
In the three steps of placemaking, crafting a meaningful vision is the first and most straightforward, yet it's the most under-leveraged. Continuing his series on "Municipal Placemaking Mistakes," Nathan Norris describes how to get it right.