Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts

The Chorus of 'No Planning, Please' is Making My Head Hurt
Life is hard. So are baseball, soccer, and a bunch of other stuff that require making good enough guesses to size opportunities and duck calamity. With apologies from Ben Brown for beating up on David Brooks.
The Perils of Whimsy: Bookshelf Reveals Community Dysfunction
A small town in Kansas exposed itself to ridicule not so long ago with their crack-down on a Little Free Library. Their problem goes a good bit deeper than clunky enforcement.

Reconsidering 'You Just Don’t Get It!' as a Community Engagement Strategy
Consider spending more time at the beginning of a community engagement process understanding predispositions that could turn toxic if we don’t keep the conversation about what unites neighbors.

Urbanists Soak Up Buffalo: PlaceMakers Empty Their Notebooks
Many of you attended CNU in Buffalo last week, but for those of you who couldn't make it, here's a quick collection of a few of the ideas shared.
Aggravated 15 Year Olds as a Measure of Place
Is there nowhere in your town to teach a kid to drive? Congratulations. You may be on to something.