Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts
The Wørd: Placemaking Edition
What's new for placemaking advocacy in 2015? In short, being an effective communicator is in. Being self-concerned and oblivious is out.
Planning and Design: North Pole Edition
In the realm of supply chains and distribution logistics, Santa’s the guy. So you’d presumably be safe in assuming that the planning and design of his village at the North Pole would reflect a similar insistence on best practices. But is it so?

Urban vs. Suburban: The Debate Continues
However your read the tea leaves, if it's true the 'burbs are reinventing themselves in the new era, it’s walkable, compact urbanism that's providing a game plan.
Disappointment, Pessimism, Rage: Is this America at Middle Age?
Community conversations often devolve. Could it be partly due to the "midlife crisis" of the North American demographic? Can we look forward to a time of more social connectedness in the next decade, as we recalibrate to less "me," more "we?"
Selling Urbanism: Don’t be an Aristarchus
As urban planners, we must not only innovate, but make our innovations count in the marketplace of ideas. We must make the benefits of livability easily understood, with a clear path for making them happen. Scott Doyon encourages rooted innovation.