Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts
Highlights from CNU 23 Dallas
Having just wrapped up a great CNU in Dallas, April 29 through May 2, a collection of urbanists share some of the ideas that resonated the most.
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If we can't grow our trust networks beyond our tribes, we can forget about working together successfully as communities and regions, let alone as a nation of citizens or in coalitions of nations in common causes.
Better Streets: Whatchu Whatchu Whatchu Want?
Public support of people-friendly infrastructure is not automatic. Get your streets right by getting the conversation right. (Includes lots of great shareable graphics.)
Urbanism: Nothing to Fear
Scott Bernstein, president of the Center for Neighborhood Technology, talks planes, trains, and automobiles, in an urban industrial context.
'Gentrification' Redux: Wealth, Opportunity, Community
Ben Brown wades into the wealth/income inequity morass to make a pitch for getting beyond "gentrification" squabbles and on to wealth-building strategies for the bottom 90 percent.