Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts
Mo' Money, Mo' Problems: Community Edition
Do we ever reach a point as a community wherein our problems are behind us? Sorry, but no. If anything, it gets more complicated.
The Plaza: What Makes a Community Living Room?
The Plaza can behave as the community living room. Why is this so hard to get right in post-WWII U.S.?
Ideas for Housing Opportunity: Some Sorta Oldish, Lots Very NUish
The latest in a list of tip-of-the-spear practitioners combining their own experience and expertise with the lessons of others who share similar commitments to the easy-to-grasp, hard-to-realize ideas driving new urbanism.
'General Welfare' for the Next Generation
The "health, safety, and general welfare" of our communities are poorly served by the outcomes of the status quo.
Household Solar Popularity Builds, As Does Utility Industry Discomfort
Utilities and regulators should be looking forward, not backward, to find ways to invest in progress, rather than trying desperately to cling to yesterday's business model, which is based on encouraging consumption of polluting sources of energy.