Hazel Borys
Contributed 227 posts

Walkability: Good Money After Bad
"We're investing in walkability," always sounds like an encouraging tagline from local governments...or does it?
Making Places Where People Persevere
Of all the sub-topics in urban planning and design, the ones likely to generate the most anxiety are those where land use planning intersects with economic development. Ben Brown ruminates.
Porchfest: Your Guide to a DIY Community-Building Good Time
Scott Doyon shares his thoughts on last week's Oakhurst Porchfest. Potentially useful for anyone looking to launch their own version.
The Unkickable Can: Toward a 'Livability Synthesis'
Ben Brown points out the potential political upside to the aging population.

Thoughts on Seaside at 35
Seaside, Florida: what’s possible when vision, tradition, creativity, adaptation, and, yes, time converge in ways that allow for careful study and consideration.