Matt Baumann
Contributed 49 posts
NJ Transit Villages Begin To Appear
Though not fully completed TODs, small pockets of development around transit have emerged with more to follow.
Phoenix May Replace Philly As Fifth Largest City
After losing 54,000 people this decade alone in its most rapid clip ever, Philadelphia is on the verge of ceding the 'Fifth Most Populated City' title to Phoenix.
Nashville Lures People Back To Its Downtown Core
While the New Yorks and San Franciscos of the world grapple with a slowing rental market, Nashville, and other second- and third-tier cities thrive in drawing people back their urban cores.
Cities Dreaming When It Comes To Sports Arena-Led Development?
Despite an established track record demonstrating little or no profit in building state-of-the-art arenas, cities across the United States continue to build these structures with dreams of urban renewal.
Is It The Beginning Of The End For McMansions?
McMansions are proving too big for many homeowners, who are now looking for smaller homes and overwhelming the housing market.