Matt Baumann
Contributed 49 posts
One Of The Last Company Towns In America Is For Sale
Residents of Scotia, CA, hope that their community can retain its unique after the sale.
1950s Ranch Homes Making A Resurgance
A once maligned housing style is returning into fashion.
In Seattle, Detached Garages May Be Approved For Apartments
With an aim toward affordable housing and helping homeowners pay their mortgage, Seattle considers allowing backyard apartments, much to the chagrin of local opponents.
Kentucky Developers Hatch Plan Against Sprawl
Kentucky, a state slow to adapt the concepts of New Urbanism, eyes several developments that are walkable and pedestrian friendly.
Transit Agencies See Rise In Ridership
Discretionary riders, a demographic transit officials have coveted but have had difficulty luring, are using public transit more and more across the United States as gas prices rise.