Matt Baumann
Contributed 49 posts
Americans Consuming More Gas Than Ever
Despite a price jump of 75% in gasoline per gallon since 2000, Americans bought 10% more in gas in the first half of 2006.
Record Stores Becoming A Relic Of The Past
With the arrival of the digital music age, record stores are disappearing at an alarming rate.
Is Duplicating New Orleans' French Quarter A Good Idea?
While some believe imitation to be the ultimate form of flattery, others describe it as a foolish attempt to replicate the past.
Albuquerque's New Approach To The Old Parking Meter
The city will gain new revenue from its attempt to stop employees from parking in front of downtown storefronts.
Could Amtrak Soon Be Privatized?
Private investment in Amtrak is increasingly seen as part of the solution for the poorly performing national rail service.