Matt Baumann
Contributed 49 posts
Chicago Passes Landmark Minimum Wage Ordinance
Chicago's City Council passed a landmark ordinance yesterday that requires big-box stores to pay a minimum wage of $10 per hour by 2010 plus $3 an hour worth of benefits.
Wal-Mart Looking To Serve New York City Shoppers
Wal-Mart has recently opened new multi-story stores in the New York City area, a market which the company has been working hard to penetrate.
Chain Restaurants Change Philadelphia'sCharacter
National restaurant chains moving into Philadelphia’s Center City are changing the character and landscape of the historic area.
Front Porches Regaining Popularity
The number of new homes with porches increased has nationwide over the past 10 years.
Homeowners Replacing Architects With Home Design Software
With the proliferation of home-design software, such as Google's Sketch Up, homeowners are designing their own plans, often times saving thousands of dollars in architect fees. But general contractors are leery of this new found enthusiasm.