Matt Baumann
Contributed 49 posts
The Rise And Fall Of The 6-Percent Commission?
Some argue that the 6-percent sales commission is a form price-fixing that is ripe for change while others suggest that lowering this figure would lead to less customer service for the consumer. Either way, the 6-percent commission is under attack.
Are Real Estate Reviews A Good Thing?
Two new web sites, ZipRealty, Inc. and Reply Inc., allow customers to post reviews of homes. Some are meant to be humorous, but some are mean-spirited and misleading. Is this the future of on-line real estate?
Stockholm's Traffic Management Solution
Because of Stockholm's unique layout spread around an archipelago connected by many bridges, traffic is notoriously bad. The solution could lie in a tiered pricing structure for tolls on motorists depending on what time of day they travel.
In Monterey California, It's Slow-Growth Advocates Versus Developers and Immigrants
What to do with an area that produces some 80 percent of the nation's lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach that lacks in housing for migrant workers? Why build more housing of course. Not so fast say "slow-growth" advocates.
Will Pay Cash For Babies: How Industrialized Nations Hope To Boost Birth Rates
Hoping to guard against future labor shortages and protect their national identity, many countries with low birth rates are trying to entice couples into having more children with a variety of financial incentives -- including cash payments.