Todd Graham
Contributed 17 posts
Explained: Keys to Affordability in Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances
Zoning ordinances are one of the most powerful ways local governments regulate development, and they should work to implement the policies in a Comprehensive Plan Update.
PlanIt Podcast: Environmental Justice
The latest episode of the 2017 PlanIt Training Program on Comprehensive Plan Updates by the Metropolitan Council, a regional planning agency in the Twin Cities area.
Parking Strategies for Comprehensive Plans
Parking needs to be balanced with new development that supports active modes of transportation, integrates a complete streets approach, and values a high-quality public realm. Comprehensive plans can help achieve this balance.

The PlanIt Podcast Explains Historic Preservation
More and more communities are including historic preservation in plan efforts. But what is Historic Preservation and what does planning for it mean? In this episode, John Smoley explains.

The Metropolitan Council's 'PlanIt' Podcast on Equity in Everyday Planning
Equity is a popular topic of discussion, but how can planning organizations address that within their structure? What are some actions that they can take to include equity in everyday operations?