George Haugh
Contributed 205 posts
Five Materials Improving Sustainability In Construction
Joe Peach explains the technology behind five materials that will dramatically increase sustainability in the building industry. Among the list are wool bricks which are stronger, greater insulators and don't require firing to set.
Indianapolis Transit Proposal Focuses On Frequency Over Coverage
After a year of outreach and research, Indy Connect has published its report yesterday outlining recommendations for the next 25 years of public transit expenditure. They call for $2.4 billion on transit and $8.4 on road expansion and maintenance.
Slum Redevelopment Drives Real Estate Market In Mumbai
With not much undeveloped land left in Mumbai for fresh developments, the city’s real estate growth will largely be propelled by the success of its many slum redevelopment schemes, according to a recent study.
Washington DC Considers Modifying Height Limit On New Buildings
The 1910 law, responsible for preserving views of the capitol from most roof decks, is being challenged by a small group of architects and developers who believe a modest change would inject vitality, sustainability and revenue into the urban fabric.
Glancey Argues Consumerism Engenders Poor Architecture
Jonathan Glancey argues that in the wake of the UK government's culling of Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, and a recession which only diluted our consumerist thirst, the current aim to build cheaply has cost us design quality.