George Haugh
Contributed 205 posts
The Rise And Fall of Cities
Victor David Hanson uses a broad historical perspective to examine the causes of the rise and fall of former world cities. He argues that the computer driven, global age will accelerate the process of growth and decline.
LA Finally Approves Dedicated Bus Lanes Along Wilshire Boulevard
The Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority finally approved the construction of 7.7 miles of bus lanes along Wilshire Boulevard, with the exception of a one mile stretch in Westwood known as 'Condo Canyon.'
India's Cities Begin To Collapse Under The Strain Of Migrants
After decades of being a nation of rural dwellers, Indians are rapidly moving into cities in search of better jobs, but the housing infrastructure is not keeping pace.
Indonesians Create a Replica Of Singapore To Escape Congestion
Indonesia cities are the product of sparse planning, floods, overdevelopment, brownouts and epic traffic jams magnified by the dearth of public transit. In response, private planned cities like CitraLand's Singapore of Surabaya are growing rapidly.
Local Digital Media Outlets Galvanize Neighborhoods
Washington's panoply of hyperlocal news media is filling the holes left by tradition outlets as web 2.0 expands. Since many of the local newspapers have folded, bloggers and other digital media have grown to cover matters at the local level.