George Haugh
Contributed 205 posts
Norwegian Practice Provides Times Square With A Noir Look
Norwegian firm Snøhetta's new design for Times Square pays heed to the historic intersections' lasciviousness, while retaining the popular pedestrianized Broadway.
Could Growth In Urban Cores Remedy Problematic Gentrification?
The argument that increased supply of urban housing will lower prices is rapidly being disproved by successive waves of gentrification throughout American cities. Stephen Smith offers a considered analysis of the economics behind this dynamic.
The Alienation of Apple's Alien HQ
Philip Langdon criticizes the 'corporate isolationism,' of Apple's new donut shaped headquarters in Cupertino, California.
India's Urban Population Forecasted To Double In The Next Twenty Years
The UN released new demographic projections Thursday that forecast India's urban population will more than double in the next thirty years. UN Under Secretary General Joan Clos said there is an urgent need to discuss urban issues in response.
Austin Releases An All Encompassing New 30 Year Plan
The city of Austin has released a new 197 page planning document to manage its population growth and inform planning decisions for the next three decades.