George Haugh
Contributed 205 posts
Rahm Emanuel Expands Chicago's Commitment to Bike-Centric Development
Chicago's flat topography makes it ideal for bike riding. Now Rahm Emanuel and Gabe Klein's new public policies aim to grow their use. The city consistently scores as highly in bike-friendly rankings as New York, Austin, or Denver.
Friday Funny: Typo Results In 10,000 Acre Wyoming Skate Park
Doyle Redland reports on the accidental new construction, which has galvanized both sides of the preservation vs. access argument.
The Future Of Residential Interaction
Terry Kerby speaks to professionals about the trend toward redeveloped and landscaped city center living and the re-evaluation of the merits of slums and suburbia that has sparked a resurgence of interest in high rise living and public space.
Is The Creative Class Fading?
Scott Timburg labels Richard Florida overly optimistic and blames the media for not portraying the 'fading creative class,' because their recession pain has not been sufficiently dramatic.
Steve Jobs Advocates Planning In Final Public Appearance
In his last public appearance, Steve Jobs assumes the role of a land use advocate seeking to double the number of trees, move parking underground, and provide a self sufficient energy source for Apple's new campus in Cupertino.