Akshali Gandhi
Contributed 17 posts
'49 Cities' That Made a Difference
"49 Cities" is a touring exhibition that looks at the relationship between urban design and the success or failure of cities, from Levittown to ancient Rome to Le Corbusier's Radiant City.
India Launches $1.25 Billion Census Effort
2.5 million workers are set to scour the country in the most complex demographic collection effort to date, reports the Times of India.
Renovating Chicago's Union Station
Chicago's Union Station is announcing a potential upgrade in order to prepare for future high speed rail construction, says The Christian Science Monitor.
Alternative Energy Lights Up Streets in Suburban Chicago
Downers Grove, IL has won accolades for being the first residential subdivision to install a hybrid solar-wind powered street lighting system, reports TribLocal.
Maps, Apps, and Food
Yahoo has released a new iPhone app that allows users to draw a circle on a map around the area he or she wants to search.