Abhijeet Chavan
Abhijeet Chavan is the co-founder and former co-editor-in-chief of Planetizen.
Contributed 7469 posts
Abhijeet Chavan is the co-founder and former co-editor-in-chief of Planetizen and the executive producer of Planetizen Courses. He was also the chief technology officer of Urban Insight, Inc., the technology consulting firm that operates Planetizen. Abhijeet Chavan has over 20 years of technology consulting experience working with government, higher education, legal services, and non-profit clients. Abhijeet is the founder of OpenAdvocate and the creator of DLAW web platform, WriteClearly plain-language authoring tool and ReadClearly legal web glossaries. Abhijeet was named to the Fastcase 50 list of global legal innovators in 2017.
Abhijeet previously coordinated geographic information (GIS), software development, and data projects for the Imaging Systems Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He also served as the information technology coordinator for the East St. Louis Action Research Project, a cross-disciplinary initiative of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign working with residents and community groups in severely distressed urban areas.Abhijeet received his Master of Architecture (M. Arch) and Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A) degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Orange County Traffic to Worsen
Regional transportation study finds Organge County trafficwill worsen over the next 20 years
TRPA Lifts Tahoe Construction Ban
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) has lifted a limited ban on condominium construction in the Tahoe Basin.
HUD Announces $100 Million Urban Investment
Vice President Al Gore and Housing and Urban Development Secretary AndrewCuomo today announced that a new $10 million Community Empowerment initiative will generate upto $100 million to help revitalize some of the nation's most distressed urban neighb
San Jose Funding for Affordable Housing
San Jose City Council approved $150 million funding for 2,056 new affordable homes.
Clash over North Coast's Redwoods
Pacific Lumber, environmentalists clash over loggingin the last unprotected area within the Headwaters Forest Reserve in California's North Coast.