Contributed 5 posts

Opinion: How Fire Chiefs and Traffic Engineers Make Places Less Safe
Fire standards and street design manuals, meant to protect people, actually make them less safe by damaging walkability and encouraging driving—a classic example of silo thinking.

Sidewalk Cafes—Silver Bullets of Walkable Places
No single tool builds "walk appeal" as powerfully as sidewalk cafes, which are both a cause and an effect of places we love to walk.

The Katrina Cottage Legacy
The New Urbanist Katrina Cottages initiative for the Gulf Coast appeared to be a failure but their legacy lives on in the SmartDwellings and in the Tiny House movement.
Might High-Rises Become Uninhabitable?
Steve Mouzon argues that trillions being spent world-wide on skyscrapers could be lost as energy costs rise.
New Town Takes Worst of Irene, Emerges Unscathed
The town, designed by DPZ Associates, uses traditional building techniques (most of which are completely illegal in US hurricane zones) and fared better in the eye of Hurricane Irene at its strongest point than any other town.