Ryan Lue
Ryan Lue was an editorial intern at Planetizen in 2012.
Contributed 161 posts
While in San Diego, Ryan worked with community gardening organizations and conducted research on homelessness.
He earned a B.A. in Urban Studies and Planning from UC San Diego.
Held Up by Environmental Litigation, Playa Vista Finally Gets Its Own Downtown
After a hard-won legal battle, Los Angeles' youngest coastal community can finally begin construction on its mixed-use downtown, report Roger Vincent and Martha Groves.
When Does It Make Sense for a City to Downsize?
Roberta Brandes Gratz examines New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward to make the case that even neighborhoods past their prime are worth fighting for.
Little Boxes on the Hillside, in China and Beyond
Nate Berg offers his take on the replicas of Western subdivisions that have come to define social status in the burgeoning economies of the Middle and Far East.
New Riverfront Rail Trail in America's "Most Livable City"
Pittsburgh is smoothing over the residue of its industrial past, turning an abandoned railway into a waterfront park, Paige Miller reports.
Can Tappan Zee Park Make It Past the Drawing Board?
Plans to transform New York's Tappan Zee Bridge into a park have captured the public's imagination, but some speculate it's just a pipe dream, Peter Applebome reports.