Contributed 181 posts

This Part of Spain Won Rent Regulations US Tenant Activists Can Only Dream of
In Spain, a new law makes rent control possible — and one region has implemented it. In Catalunya, a rent freeze and rental price index promise to help struggling tenants.

Reining in Rising Property Insurance Rates
There are many proposed ways to mitigate the property insurance cost crisis. They all require action from federal or state governments.

Are Race-Based Lawsuits Affecting Community Lenders?
Shelterforce spoke with community lending leaders and experts about the current mood across the sector. What, if anything, are organizations doing to avoid becoming the next target of conservative activists?

The Permanent Affordability That Wasn't: Lessons from the Pythian Building
A high-stakes, high-profile community land trust project once hailed as a triumph in New Orleans ended in disaster for its residents, but it’s important to draw the right lessons about why.

Soaring Property Insurance Rates Threaten Affordable Housing Development
Rapidly rising insurance premiums are forcing affordable housing developers to cut back on programming, lay off staff, and even sell. To add insult to injury, some insurers also seem to be adding penalties or withdrawing coverage for housing voucher holders.