Contributed 181 posts

Community Development Is Crucial in This Moment
The pandemic is highlighting the crucial necessity of community developers’ work. Here’s what the field will need to play its part in the recovery.

HUD Urged to Make Tenant Income Adjustments Automatic by April 1
Preventing catastrophe when eviction moratoriums lift requires major waivers and changes of policy—but ones advocates say are fully within HUD's power.
Integrating Arts and Culture Strategies into Transit Plans
In every phase of transit development, arts and culture strategies can be employed to inform and enhance the process. Here are examples from three different transit projects around the country.

The Ticket to Opportunity in Indianapolis
An organization successfully balanced the tension between expanding rail line service and improving bus service, and ensuring race was at the forefront of the conversation.

Bike Lanes Aren’t Just a White Thing
Neighborhoods of color are often more dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists, but they are also often left behind when local officials redesign streets to make them safer. How can we change this?